by cubicfox | 10 Aug 2023 | Blog
Mobile app development has witnessed significant advancements, offering developers multiple options to build applications tailored to their unique needs. Two prominent approaches, native and cross-platform app development, have emerged as popular choices among...
by cubicfox | 7 Aug 2023 | Blog
In the ever-evolving landscape of app development, Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) have emerged as a revolutionary solution that bridges the gap between traditional web and native apps. PWAs offer a plethora of benefits, including improved performance, offline...
by cubicfox | 27 Jul 2023 | Blog
In the world of software development, code interpreters have emerged as a revolutionary tool, offering developers a versatile and efficient approach to writing and executing code. Unlike compilers that translate code into machine language before execution, code...
by cubicfox | 24 Jul 2023 | Blog
Last summer, the concept of a 4-day workweek gained significant attention, both internationally and within Hungary. Following the footsteps of multinational corporations, several companies in Hungary announced pilot tests to examine its effects. As a software...
by cubicfox | 12 Jul 2023 | Blog
When developing software, it’s natural to think of features and functionality first. However, that can lead to incomplete products or services, which is why UX designers prefer the “user first” approach. Wireframing takes place quite early in the design place, when...